Clara Zetkin Lives of the Left Series (PDF of SLIDES)
Hello all,
Last night I gave an online talk for the Labour Left Alliance‘s Series entitled ‘Lives of the Left’, which was very enjoyable. Here, I attach the slides of the talk for information. The video recording will soon be available on Youtube here.
During the course of the discussion, it became apparent that it might be useful to compile a list of some of the material that I have produced on Zetkin and the German left in recent years, so that comrades can become more familiar with the many topics we covered. So here goes:
Clara Zetkin and World War I (Video)
Marxism and the Women’s Question (Video with Anne McShane)
Initial thoughts on Clara Zetkin’s magazine Die Gleichheit [Equality] (Video)
The German Communist Party’s ‘March Action’ (1921)
Mike Jones and Ben Lewis (eds.) Clara Zetkin: Letters and Writings – and my talk introducing the book)
Ben Lewis, ‘Rosa and the Republic’ (on the strategic outlook of the early German Communist Party)
Two other volumes in English that I would recommend on Zetkin’s activity and work:
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Best wishes!